A single parent working as a coalmine engineer in London, Kentucky
A single parent working as a coalmine engineer in London, Kentucky was indicted for not filing tax returns for four years and faced four years in prison. Jurisdiction: Kentucky.
A single parent working as a coalmine engineer in London, Kentucky was indicted for not filing tax returns for four years and faced four years in prison. Jurisdiction: Kentucky.
A Vietnamese immigrant was accused of writing a hot check and faced six months in prison.
An air traffic controller was charged with evading income taxes for three years. He faced 15 years in prison. He was two years away from earning his pension and a felony conviction would have prevented that. Jurisdiction: Fort Worth, TX.
An Irish immigrant working as an electrician and truck driver did not want to do business with IRS because he thought they were a terrorist organization like the IRA in Ireland. He was charged with three counts of tax evasion and faced 15 years in prison.
A Florida businessman was charged with not filing taxes for two years.
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